This Movie Offends You? Good.

Red Pill

Originally posted 2022-01-06 14:56:17.

Video by Foundation for Economic Education; Return to Reality Red Pill

From new movie releases like JoJo Rabbit to modern classics like Blazing Saddles, The Producers, and Team America: World Police, satire has helped us examine real social and political topics using humour that’s often absurd… and sometimes offensive.

Satire and its cousin irony allow us to grapple with some of our most dangerous and difficult ideas. The audio-visual medium of film gives ample opportunity to explore complex, and often uncomfortable, themes.

Films like JoJo Rabbit, in which a young German boy has an imaginary friend in the form of a murderous dictator, can employ stinging jokes, ridiculous plots, and farcical characters that address serious issues.

It is, in a word, speech. The freedom of speech allows for satirical novels and boundary-pushing movies critical to our using creativity to advance the social and political dialogue that improves our world.

And yes, many times that speech offends. It can be inappropriate. It can upset us. But its importance is why we’re going to get into the complex and hotly debated subject of freedom of speech… on this episode of Out of Frame.

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