How Fake Gurus Manipulate You

Emotionally Smarter

Originally posted 2017-03-27 14:00:07.

Tai Lopez – Here in My Garage EXPOSED

Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

The “Here in My Garage” by Tai Lopez ad has achieved meme status on YouTube with over a million dollars spent to get it in front of your eyeballs. And whether you think Tai Lopez is awesome or not, one thing is true. You’ve probably never seen a YouTube ad more times or seen an ad that has generated more discussion, parody videos, and interest than Here in My Garage. And all that implies something else: the ad must be working. Meaning that Tai Lopez is making more than a million dollars worth of sales, otherwise, the money would just run out.

Which means that like it or not, something special is going on in these 4 minutes.

That’s why I want to break down the video to understand what is going on from a psychological perspective that gets people interested in buying Tai’s products.

00:54 Specific video production as in Here in My Garage lamborghini
04:18 The mechanism is done like when he mentions his mentors
05:14 Tai Lopez anticipates where the viewers’ mind is at
05:42 Tai Lopez utilizes a real disqualifier in his products
07:24 Tai Lopez repeats the call to action multiple times

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