7 Red Flags In Dating You Should NEVER Ignore

Flirt With Women

Originally posted 2018-05-07 18:00:02.

Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

7 Red Flags In Dating You Should NEVER Ignore

One of the difficult things about dating is that sometimes people put a version of themselves forward that doesn’t correspond to who they really are. So you can start a relationship, think you’re dating this wonderful person and find out after several months that that’s in fact not the case. And that’s why in this video, I want to give you seven red flags that you absolutely need to be aware of to avoid dating someone that you don’t want to be with. And this is true of both men and women and I’m gonna focus on things that aren’t so obvious and not just jealousy or clinginess — things that might be happening that you’re not noticing that if you did, you could save yourself a lot of pain.

So the first thing is that if the person that you are dating has friends that you don’t like, chances are the person you’re not like. dating is someone you eventually will Now, of course you want to treat them as an individual, right? You’re saying, “They’re not like their friends. They don’t have these qualities so why should I ascribe to them qualities that I see in these other people?” And if that’s a wonderful feeling but the truth is we are all products of the five people that we hang out with the most. We’re like our friends especially if we spend a lot of time with them.

0:37 Check out the friends of the one you’re dating
1:20 Check out how they treat waitstaff or service people
2:17 Be wary when they tell secrets that aren’t supposed to be told
3:18 They’re heavily engaged in social media
4:33 They had short-lasting relationships
5:38 They put all the responsibility onto their ex when they broke up
7:05 They have the idea of their partner being perfect

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