30 New Years Resolution Ideas…and how to keep them

Empowered Spaces

Originally posted 2021-11-23 15:00:35.

Save the date for December 31st—for my annual FREE New Year’s class right here on Youtube. We will dive into the science of goal-setting. Here is the link to the class: https://youtu.be/QQStwxis778

To get you ready check out this overview of all my ideas. We make really lofty goals for ourselves at the beginning of each year. “be more healthy” “read more” “become more successful”. But somehow at the end of each year, these goals become “shoulds”. You know, “I should eat more greens” “I should drink more water” “I should take my vitamins” how boring.

I want to take those boring new years resolutions and turn them into reachable, quantifiable goals. In this video I talk about the mistakes most people make when setting a new year’s resolution and I pick from a magical bucket to share 30 new year’s resolution ideas. Reachable, quantifiable, new year’s resolutions.

Here’s the anti-boredom list to be more interesting in 2022!: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/things-to-do-when-bored/

I’m excited to share these with you and for what’s to come for all of us in 2022!

Be sure to join me in my class on December 31st!

In this video:
0:00 Intro
0:53 Mistakes people make when setting new year’s resolutions
1:01 Mistake #1
1:47 Mistake #2
2:54 Mistake #3
4:01 New Years Resolution Ideas #1-10
11:20 New Year’s Resolution Ideas #11-20
18:40 New Year’s Resolution Ideas #21-30
22:35 What New Resolutions will you take on?

Percentage of people that stick to their New Year’s Resolution: http://www.richardwiseman.com/quirkology/new/USA/Experiment_resolution.shtml
Unique productivity tips: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/productivity/
All about digital detox: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/digital-detox/
A list of documentaries to start off your “watch 1 documentary a week” new year’s resolution: https://mashable.com/article/best-documentaries-on-youtube
62 random acts of kindness: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/how-to-be-a-nicer-person/
How to create a killer morning routine: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/morning-routine/
How to NAIL meditation and get some peace in your life: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/meditation-benefits/
AWESOME veggies recipes: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1116-fruit-vegetable-consumption.html

Hi, I’m Vanessa!

You deserve more. More influence, more income, more of what you want. I would be honored to help you. My name is Vanessa Van Edwards and I’m a recovering awkward person. I’m also the bestselling author of Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People (https://www.scienceofpeople.com/captivate/) and creator of People School(https://www.scienceofpeople.com/people-school/).

My goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be overlooked, interrupted or forgotten again.

Do you want to be the most likable person in the room? Get my FREE guide now: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/

PS – Join the conversation on social!
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