How to be More Interesting

Empowered Spaces

Originally posted 2019-02-08 17:21:06.

This morning I logged on to do my monthly check of our website analytics. As I settled in with my coffee to peruse our latest numbers, search hits, and demographics. I happened to stumble upon an interesting little finding…

While scrolling through our top search terms (what people search to get to the Science of People website) I found this phrase was at the top of the list:

“How to Be Interesting”

This intrigued me. Why? Because it is not a word I often hear people use. I hear people say:

I want to be more memorable
I want to be more charismatic
I want to be more impressive
I want to be more powerful
I want to be more attractive
I want to be more successful

But, I almost never hear ‘I want to be more interesting’—at least not in person. Interesting it seems is a secret wish, just reserved for search engines. Well, worry no more! In this video I give 5 simple steps to being more interesting!

In this video:
0:00 Intro
1:01 A crisis of interesting
1:40 How to be interesting
2:08 The lazy law
3:12 Step 1: Stop doing boring things
4:45 Step 2: Stop asking about boring things
5:59 Step 3: Consume interesting things
7:29 Step 4: Ask others what interesting things they consume
8:08 Step 5: Hang out with interesting people

Hi, I’m Vanessa!
You deserve more. More influence, more income, more of what you want. I would be honored to help you.
Do you want to be the most likable person in the room? Get my FREE guide now:

My name is Vanessa Van Edwards and I’m a recovering awkward person. I’m also a multi-time bestselling author of:
Cues: Master the Secret Language of Charismatic Communication ( Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People ( and I am the creator of People School. This advanced video communication course is for high achievers who want to be confident communicators.
My goal is simple: Help YOU get to your goals faster. Never be overlooked, interrupted or forgotten again.
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