3 Simple Voice Tweaks To Captivate Anyone

Charismatic Tips

Originally posted 2016-03-17 14:00:01.

Link to confidence tip: https://goo.gl/gQT6DN

Elliott Hulse’s tip for a deeper voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P41ER1Wmkj0

Original video: https://youtu.be/wiOwqDmacJo?t=2m14s

3 Simple Voice Tweaks To Captivate Anyone

Neil deGrasse Tyson is an amazing speaker. He’s one of the select group of science educators that appeal to mainstream America. Truly, some of the topics he covers are fascinating. But the truth is that the majority of his appeal comes from the way in which he speaks.

In this video, we cover three simple vocal tips that will make you a more captivating speaker. You’ll learn how to use your voice in a way that gets people leaning forward and hoping you tell them more.

Those tips are, in short

1. Take longer, deeper breaths to lower your voice
2. Strategically use silence to hook people’s attention
3. Develop vocal range in terms of speed, cadence, and style

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