How To Flirt If You’re Quiet

Flirt With Women

Originally posted 2018-10-15 18:00:05.

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When I was studying abroad, I literally didn’t date for an entire year.

I wasn’t really that confident and found some parts of dating awkward.

Over time I’ve certainly grown out of my old introverted self, you can tell by all the extroverted dating advice that’s on the channel.

But I know you introverts out there still have this pain point, so let’s dive into it.


00:17 – Tip #1: Logistics – Where To Meet Women
01:47 – Tip #2: Wear Your Interest On Your Chest
03:02 – Tip #3: Open-Ended Questions
03:24 – Tip #4: Elaborate Then Relate
05:08 – Tip #5: How To Land The Date

#HowToFlirt #IntrovertFlirting #CharismaOnCommand

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