4 Tips on How to Get an Ex Back Who Wants Nothing to Do With You

Rational Relationships

Originally posted 2018-01-08 08:22:53.

If your ex wants nothing to do with you, she is basing her decision on the emotions that you made her feel leading up to the break up and afterwards.

Yet, that was then and this is now.

Now, you can change how she feels.

It might feel impossible to you because she seems completely over you and like she would never give you another chance, but so many guys in your position have turned things around and gotten their ex woman back.

You can do too.

To help you, I expand on the following tips in the video:

1. Understand why she wants nothing to do with you.
2. Accept that she broke up with the old you.
3. Level up.
4. Make her feel a renewed sense of respect and attraction for the new and improved you.

An important point that I make near the end of the video, is that women don’t always stick to what they say about a guy, especially when they say things while feeling annoyed, turned off or angry.

Your ex may have said that she’s over you and wants nothing to do with you, but that is simply based on what she was feeling at the time.

You can change how she feels, so she begins thinking things like, “I want him back,” and, “Why do I feel so attracted to him all of a sudden?” and, “Is it a sign that we’re meant to get back together? Maybe I should give him another chance.”

In other words, when you change how she feels, she will change how she thinks, behaves and acts.

As a result, you can get her back.

To learn more about how to get an ex back who wants nothing to do with you, go to:

Get Your Ex Back Super System (Download / Watch Online)

Dan Bacon

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