Turn On a Woman’s Good Girl Switch

Rational Relationships

Originally posted 2018-10-24 16:36:00.

You can make your wife or girlfriend treat you better, be more affectionate and be so much more loving and attentive by flicking on what I call her, “Good Girl Switch.”

When a woman’s Good Girl Switch is ON, she gains pleasure and happiness out of being a good women for you.

I can teach you so many ways to turn that switch on.

In this particular video, I provide detailed examples of what to say and do for two ways to turn her Good Girl Switch on:

  1. Lovingly expect more of her
  2. Address her bad behavior in a loving, supportive way

Watch the video for examples of what to say and do and to understand how it works.

Video by Dan Bacon; Return to Rational Relationships

In addition to the example I give in the video (i.e. about getting her to do something for you like make you a coffee), you can also lovingly expect and get her to:

  • Show more affection
  • Be more caring and attentive
  • Be more patient with you about certain things
  • Take more care of her physical appearance around you
  • Listen to you when you speak
  • Take responsibility for more things in the relationship
  • Appreciate the nice things you do for her
  • Make more of an effort in the relationship
  • Treat you with the respect you deserve
  • Show you love in the way you enjoy the most

Ironically, this is actually what a woman wants in a relationship anyway.

Women want to be in a position where they feel happy about being good to their man.

Women are at their happiest in a relationship when that dynamic is in place and regardless of how long you and her have been together so far, you can literally awaken that side of her and then keep it awake for life.

It Really Does Work

Every woman has it inside of her to be an even better woman to her man than she already is.

Likewise, every woman can become more affectionate, loving, attentive and enjoyable to be with.

Once you flick that Good Girl Switch on, you will notice all sorts of changes beginning to happen in your relationship.

She will become more loving, affectionate and enjoyable to be around and she will love you all the more for it.

She will love that you are able to bring that side of her out and keep it out.

This is what people talk about when talk about falling in love over and over again in a relationship.

You can fall in love over and over again when the Good Girl Switch is on, because both you and her feel happy to be with each other and you feel motivated to love each other more over time.

That’s how it can be.

I know this personally because I’ve been experiencing it with my wife for years and I hope that you try this approach too.

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