Are You Red-Pilled by Now?

Red Pill

Originally posted 2021-12-01 20:37:39.

Video by Foundation for Economic Education; Return to Reality Red Pill

The Matrix is a groundbreaking film. From the revolutionary cinematography, excellent soundtrack, mimetic trench coat and green text aesthetics, to answering the grand philosophical questions of life, it stands the test of time. But on top of that, its theme of “awakening” holds prescient lessons for the disinformation media landscape we inhabit today.

What is “taking the red pill” really about? Maybe not believing the earth is flat, but becoming aware that society is presenting us with a false reality. Governments, media, teachers, and various authority figures have been deliberately pulling the wool over our eyes for too long. In this sense, the 1999 film pushes us to acknowledge life in 2021 as intentionally misleading, and charts our course toward uncovering a greater, more truthful and “red-pilled“ reality.

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